The Well Global is pleased to announce the Ekballo Conference for Spring 2025! This convergence of global missions-both internationally, nationally, and within the seven mountains along with the call to intercession rising up within the Body of Christ is a timely meeting where many will be launched into their destiny!
Ekballo will be held in Maryville, TN March 13-15, 2025
Location TBA
Tickets are non-refundable
Conference Schedule
6 PM Check-in and registration
7 PM Service
9 AM Doors open
9:30 AM Morning Sessions begin
12 PM Lunch Break
2 PM Afternoon sessions begin
5 PM Dinner Break
7 PM Evening Sessions begin
9:00 AM Doors open
9:30 AM Morning Sessions begin
12 PM Lunch Break
2 PM Afternoon sessions begin
5 PM Dinner Break
7 PM Evening Sessions begin
All are welcome to join us for Sunday services!
9:30 AM Prayer & Intercession10:30 AM Sunday Service (no childcare provided)
*Times subject to change
Children are welcome at the conference, however, they must be ticketed. We will be at maximum capacity allowed by law, therefore we need an exact head count. Seats are only guaranteed to ticket holders. Parents are responsible for either providing childcare outside of the church or watching their ticketed child throughout the entirety of their attendance. Children under two, who are able to sit in their parent’s lap for the entirety of the conference, are granted a free ticket; please email to receive a coupon code to apply at checkout.
As we will be in a limited space, at this time all attendees must be ticketed, but evening services will be live-streamed for you to attend remotely!
Steve & Sally Wilson
Steve and Sally celebrate more than 50 years of ministry together. After pastoring a small Baptist church in Texas, they served for seven years as missionaries in Kenya, where they began to see a powerful move of God. After that, they spent eleven years in England, where they pastored, planted churches, and worked with an apostolic team.
They returned to the States in obedience to a word from the Lord that revival was coming, and in 1995, Steve and Sally planted Dayspring Church in Springfield, Missouri, a church that also serves as their ministry base.
Over the last few years, Steve and Sally have witnessed a dramatic increase in the miraculous, and they are committed to seeing the miraculous restored to the Gospel message. They now lead teams into the nations, equipping and activating the church to live a naturally-supernatural lifestyle as they watch the power of God change lives.
Steve and Sally both serve on the leadership teams of International Christian Leadership Connections (ICLC), a relational network of churches. They also serve as members of the advisory board for the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening (ANGA).
Becca Greenwood
Rebecca is co-founder of Christian Harvest International, Strategic Prayer Apostolic Network (SPAN), International Freedom Group (IFG), and Christian Harvest Training Center (CHTC). From the time she was a young girl, Rebecca felt a drawing of the Lord that she would be used by Him.
In a prayer time in 1990 she felt a strong presence of the Spirit in which she was overcome. During this time the Lord showed her a vision of thousands and thousands of souls from many nations. He challenged her saying, Becca, will you be accountable for the souls I have assigned to you? Will you reach them for Me? Her heart captivated by this experience, she obediently responded to the mandate of the Lord to the nations.
Since this Kingdom encounter, Rebecca passion has been seeing the lands of the world impacted for the Glory of God, reaching people with the Gospel, and setting the captives free. Her heart’s cry has become, Lord give me the nations. . As a result, prophecy, prophetic intercession, transformational spiritual warfare prayer, spiritual mapping, deliverance, and teaching the word of God extensively in the many lands of the earth are the main thrusts of Christian Harvest.
Mike & Andrea Brewer
The Well Global
Mike & Andrea Brewer are the apostolic leaders and founders of The Well Global Alliance, which licenses and ordains ministers of the Gospel in all spheres of society. Together, Mike and Andrea also founded Reach International and The Well of Maryville. Each of these was born out of a passion to equip others and launch them into their destinies and calling. Having seen thousands of churches planted around the world, and planning to see thousands more, they are dedicated to seeing the Kingdom continue to advance into the least reached areas of the world.
Tom Ledbetter
Tom Ledbetter born in Waco, TX is a lover of Truth and Prayer. He is an equipper, an intercessor and a prophetic voice to the Body of Christ with a desire and passion to see the Kingdom of God advance by the moving of His Spirit.
Tom and his wife Lyly Ledbetter of 18 years have a 5 year old son named Nathan Asher who is a living testimony of the loving and miraculous grace of God. Tom came to know the Lord in 2007 and had a life changing encounter in 2009 in Eastern Africa. It was there that the Lord personally marked His life for the gospel and co-missioned him to carry the Fire of God to build His body, plant and establish His people, breakdown enemy strongholds, overthrow darkness and destroy the works of the devil.
Tom is the Founder and Director of Kingdom Gravity and works alongside leaders, intercessors, businesses and regions for the purpose of activating His voice and purposes in the earth. Lastly, Tom and Lyly founded the School of Dream Intelligence & The Issachar Company where Josephs and Daniels are being activated and built up in the night season for the purpose of understanding dream language and divine intelligence to walk rightly in these times and seasons and make intercession.
Tom has a Bachelors of Science, a Degree in Biblical Studies and is an internationally ordained minister.
Dr. Joshua Todd
Dr. Joshua and Coral Todd are the founders of East Gate Kingdom Fellowship Jacksonville. They are passionate about getting the Father what He wants in the region and the nations. Their heart is to see people and places set free, transformed and set apart to their God-given purposes and life’s call. By walking out their process of personal awakening revival, sonship, and prophetic training, they are equipped to prepare and position a people to become Kingdom Champions who can establish, expand, and enforce Kingdom culture in their communities.
Dr. Joshua Todd has written 6 books on the prophetic, inheritance, and sonship that are part of a blueprint that marries sonship and daughterhood to spiritual fathering and mothering.