Blessings, Not Curses
We are called to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest field, yet many people who genuinely love God find themselves cursing those who step into the field, from the abundance of the heart, so the mouth speaks. Sadly, many leaders live from a poverty mindset that claims that if someone else begins to labor, then there won’t be enough work for them. It sounds crazy that anyone would think that, so allow me to rephrase it.
Let’s imagine a thriving church in a tiny town of 50,000. God then calls someone to plant a church in the same area because one team cannot care for 50,000 people well while equipping and discipling them. The leader of the thriving church hears of this new church plant and becomes defensive. The talk to those closest to them often includes phrases like, “They won't last 6 months.” Or maybe, “They are ignorant and have no idea how difficult it is here.” Scoffing occurs in the poverty-stricken heart that harbors a fear of not enough or missing out on something.
If only the work were that small that we could look at one more laborer and rejoice that there is now not enough work to do! Alas, there is much work to do and unity among the brothers would spur the work on. These curses and harboring of judgments against other believers for stepping into what God has called them to must stop for the church to be effective.
James 3:10 says, “Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.” The same mouth we use to bless God and those in our care cannot be used to curse others or the work of others. When we hear of someone stepping into a new ministry, mission work, or training, what thoughts run through our minds? Is it a joyful celebration, or is it bitterness, judgment, contempt, or thoughts of failure? I urge you to be still and reflect on your thoughts and words about others laboring the harvest fields near and far.
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Hebrews 12:14-15
Let us look at others from the perspective of Heaven, considering one another as more important than ourselves. Afterall, Jesus came not to be served but to serve, and He is our ultimate example of perfect leadership. We are not against one another but only here for the glory of King Jesus. Let us exemplify that in our thoughts, words ,and actions.
Forgive us, Father, for we have sinned in our hearts against your people. We remove ever bitter judgment that we have spoken or thought against Your loved ones. We bless the work of their hands that You may be glorified through every faithful child of Yours! Cause us to look on one another with love and reveal grievous ways within us. We break free of every bitter judgement spoken about us and declare that it is by Your might that we live, move, have our being, and stand victoriously! In Jesus name, amen.
Now, ask the Lord who you can reach out to encourage today, then make it a weekly habit to encourage those the Lord reveals to you, it may be the same person each week or different people each week. I promise, it will make a difference in their day and life!