The Keys are in Your Hands
As I underwent a heart transformation, I realized that the Father has empowered us in many ways to heal and make our hearts whole. In a recent conversation with Him, He reminded me that He had given us the keys, but our fear of unlocking them was holding us back. In the depths of our fears, we find the courage to change and heal; this realization is empowering.
The Father has given us keys so we can freely use them to unlock something and make a shift, but we’ve needed help finding what we need to unlock. It’s as if we’re clutching these keys, given to us by the Father, but not using them. He entrusted them to us for a purpose: to unlock something significant and bring about a shift. Yet, we seem to struggle to find what we need to unlock. But with His guidance, we can overcome this struggle.
The Father had Jesus take back the keys and authority so we could walk with Him. When there is a shift or unlocking in our lives, we sometimes fear that change. But the Lord is unlocking so we can go from Glory to Glory. We need not fear the unlocking but embrace the newness. Releasing the control of timing and fear of change will allow us to walk with the Father as Adam did in the garden. Embracing change is not just beneficial; it's a vital necessity for our spiritual growth.
What is the Father saying you need to unlock in this season? What must He release in you for His people and the land? As this comes to pass, tears of repentance will help heal the emotional wounds we’ve carried from generation to generation. The tears will help us shift our mindsets and heal our hearts. Let the Lord unlock the tears and bring His sons and daughters wholeness.
When I allowed the change to happen with tears of repentance, He showed me how deep this was in my family. He wanted me not to feel the hurt anymore and to be healed. It took me to a place where hard conversations had to happen; walls had to come down so my heart could heal. I declare over you today that the Lord will show you those spots in your heart that he wants to heal and that you trust him to allow the healing to happen.
Remember, the promise is clear:
'I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth shall have been bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall have been loosed in Heaven.'
Matthew 16:19
This is a promise of hope, a promise of power, a promise of transformation. The keys are in your hands, and the Father is eagerly waiting for you to use them.